Gallery: 2017 scooters take over Paris
The new Yamaha TMAX, Honda X-ADV and BMW C650 Sport tackle the mean streets of Paris.
It’s Saturday afternoon traffic chaos on the Périphérique. Cars are snarled nose-to-tail like a shimmering metal snake in the early summer French sunshine. The only movement here are swarms of big scooters, buzzing through the slumbering traffic like flies. Most are TMAXs.
Wearing open-faced helmets, T-shirts and trainers, Parisians lazily ride their Yamahas one-handed, a left foot dangling, elbow on the knee. They look more at where they’ve just been than where they’re going – but they’re still cracking 60mph, brushing between Peugeot door mirrors with deft avoidance. You can’t help but get a kick out of being part of this crazy show.
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The Yamaha is such a recognisable shape in France’s capital that our face-lifted new model attracts constant attention. ‘Est-ce la nouvelle TMAX?’
Accompanying our TMAX is Hondas new X-ADV and the BMW C650. We wanted to find out which one would be best for tackling the streets of the French capital
Read the full feature in this week’s issue of MCN.
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