Picture special: MCN meets veterans from the White Helmets army display team

By Andy Downes
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It’s 80 years since the British Army formed The Royal Signals White Helmets display team as a recruitment tool.

Since then some of the most famous names in motorcycling, such as Geoff Duke, have been part of it.

MCN went along to meet some of the oldest surviving members when they met up at the Blandford Camp base of the White Helmets in Dorset.

To read more about the White Helmets, take a look at this week’s MCN out Wednesday, September 19, 2007.

Check back to www.motorcyclenews.com later this week to see footage of some of the old motorcycles in action and a behind the scenes look at the White Helmets.


Andy Downes

By Andy Downes

Former MCN Senior Reporter