Higgs: ‘BSB TV is good – and well targeted’

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This week’s MCN interview with MSVR boss Jonathan Palmer, discussing how British Superbikes might be affected by the current economic situation, brought a swift reaction from his right-hand man and BSB Series Director Stuart Higgs.

Although I felt pretty convinced by Palmer’s overall positive outlook in the interview, and felt that was the tone we reflected, Higgs took exception to the 30,000 UK viewing figures I quoted at Palmer when I asked what could be done to improve it a) for the sake of the teams who need good TV to tempt sponsors and b) for the fans who thirst racing coverage on the box.

I got the figure from a source very close to one of the top BSB teams but it seems it was way wide of the mark, even though Palmer didn’t correct me, and instead went on to explain why the series switched from terrestrial TV to satellite.

“You seemed to have missed a zero off your figures,” was Higgs opening gambit.
But what I found more interesting was not so much the figures, but Higgs perception of how the whole TV package works for the series, the teams – and the fans.

Higgs said: “I think it’s wrong to look at Eurosport in isolation. The strategy to partner with them was always intended in association with others, eg Channel 4, to provide the best possible combination in response to the non availability of an ITV 1/ BBC afternoon terrestrial solution.

“During 2007 the lowest Sunday afternoon ITV 1 event figure dropped to 400K on an occasion which shows the massive fluctuation in figures – even on free to air.

“Overall we had around 30% less viewers (in 2008 compared to the previous year) but there is a strong argument for saying that the demographic remains strong and targeted.

“Remember, you can have a million viewers but two thirds of them could be irrelevant to your target group.  Hence ITV, not unreasonably, probably see more value in 2.5 million viewers watching Poirot on Sunday afternoon rather than sport. 

“That type of viewer will promote far more and spend.

“To get 300,000 viewers for a premium digital channel, eclipsing equivalent sports on a digital free-to-air channel is significant.

“The key in the emerging digital/media age is to spread the coverage across many different platforms eg digital, free to air, internet on demand services etc.

“If you want figures, the total UK BSB TV audience in 2008 was seven million compared to 11 million in 2007 – which averages at 600,000 per round which was basically split 50:50 between Eurosport and Channel 4 (hence the 300,000 figure rather than the 30,000 we were told – GP).

“Not only that the series had 240 hours of UK coverage.

“In fact the Mallory broadcast attained 952,000 viewers across all UK broadcasts which eclipsed no fewer than five events in the previous season when series was on ITV1 live and SKY delayed.”

But that’s not all. Matt Horler, Head of Communications, Eurosport UK also got in touch to reiterate what Higgs had said.

“We may not be a terrestrial broadcaster but our coverage of the series last year gave fans, sponsors and teams more broadcast hours than it had ever enjoyed so again I am surprised to read that team and especially fans felt “disgruntled” by this,” said Horler.

“Our feedback from MSV and the paddock was very positive.

“I think we need to reflect on our TV deals. Yes, Eurosport viewing figures were substantially down on what we had with ITV1, but ITV1 wasn’t an option for 2008 and nor was the BBC.

“The world of TV is changing rapidly. There is a vast array of smaller channels, but it means prime channels like BBC and ITV1 will not consider anything below 2-3million viewers. They will not run it.

“At its best BSB was getting a million viewers on ITV1. We had the option of Eurosport or ITV4, where Touring Cars is screened, and we had the bigger audience.

“We also boosted the audience with a highlights package on channel 4. I’m sure in our second year with Eurosport the audience will increase. We’re working on further TV coverage in 09.”

So there you have it. Yes, even at 300,000, the 2008 viewing figures may have been down but the audience is far more targeted than ever before.

Putting it that way, Higgs’ sell, that it’s got to be a benefit to the series, and us fans, bears out.

The thing we’re eagerly anticipating is the improved coverage Palmer talked about in the MCN interview.