We deliver your Brunstrom petition to the IPCC

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MCN Reporter Tom Rayner has delivered a total of just over 1600 emails to petition for the dismissal of North Wales Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom, to the Independent Police Complaints Commission in London.

Brunstrom  is under fire following his decision to kick off a road safety campaign by showing pictures of a decapitated motorcyclist. To follow how the the story has developed, follow the related articles below.

In MCN, May 9, we speak to David Nicholson of the Independent Police Complaints Comission to find out exactly what the organisation does and the powers it has.

And although our petition has been delivered, there’s a similar call to action on the 10 Downing Street website. To add your name to the petition, click here: http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/RichardBrunstrom/