Vigilante biker crashes
A motorcyclist who claimed to spend his spare time filming other riders and handing footage to police has written off his bike in a crash.
Geoff Smith boasted last year of riding at the speed limit and sending police footage recorded on his helmet camera of other motorcyclists overtaking.
“I record all the idiots that, while I’m doing the normal correct speed, are flying past at 80 or 90mph,” he said at the time.
Despite having no powers to stop he even admitted lecturing riders at the roadside on his Honda Pan European, which then resembled a police motorcycle thanks to livery and extra lights added by himself.
But riders are safe from Smith’s prying after he did this to his bike in a collision with a car. Smith, 63, from Southampton, suffered cuts and bruises while the ex-police Pan, which has done over 200,000 miles, has been written off by insurers.
Smith told MCN: “I was knocked off by a taxi driver. I’ve done my shoulder and back. I’m still getting better. My shoulder is bruised and badly swollen.”
Smith enraged MCN readers when we revealed his own record was far from unblemished, with prior convictions including driving without a licence and speeding.
Most bizarrely, it emerged he’d been jailed for running a crooked ambulance charity.
Solent Ambulance Service was supposed to deliver human organs for transplants but Smith had pocketed donations while living out a fantasy of driving with flashing lights and a siren.
His latest venture appears to be a courier firm. The phone number blanked out in our picture is his own.
Smith is understood to be planning to buy the bike back from the insurers and repair it.