Speeding biker snared by front-facing speed camera shots

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A motorcyclist who did 81mph in a 30mph built-up area has been banned after police identified him from front-facing speed camera pictures.

Gary Lacey, 48, had also been snapped riding at 77, 69, 63, 61 and twice at 38mph.

On each occasion front-facing cameras had been unable to capture his number plate but he was caught when officers waited for him on his commute to work.

He was identified from his helmet and Kawasaki ZX-6R which had a missing mirror. 

The welder from Southampton pleaded guilty to the speeding offences.

He was banned for two years, fined £1,300 and ordered to pay £70 costs and a £15 victim surcharge by magistrates.

The offences took place over a six-week period this summer on Southampton’s Maybray King Way, St Mary’s Place and Northam Bridge.

Barry Keel, representing Lacey, told Southampton Magistrates’ Court: “Until he got this bike he didn’t have a problem keeping to the speed limits. He doesn’t have the same problem when driving his car.”

Lacey said his “biking days were over”.

Hampshire’s Bikesafe co-ordinator PC Mick Gear told MCN how stickers on the bike also helped trap Lacey.

Gear said: “The mirror on the offside is missing, the bike has slide damage down the right side and there’s a torn Ace Café sticker on the screen along with a square decal which disappears after a couple of images.

“When the bike was stopped and compared the square glue patch was still present and everything else matched the enforcement images.

“Lacey was interviewed with a legal advisor present and admitted every offence from the first account and pleaded guilty on the first hearing.”

Gear Warned: “Even if we have not got their registration number there are other ways of identifying them.”

However, not all riders snapped by front-facing cameras are caught. Our black and white shots, taken by speed cameras in Kent, show four who got away.